In recent years, the interests applied by banks on most credit cards and personal loans or consumer loans are abusive (usually being between 20 and 30%). This means that you never had to have paid that interest, which implies that the bank has to return the amounts paid in interest.
If you requested the loan for years or have been using your revolving card, the amount the bank returns to you may exceed what you owe, thus earning a significant sum of money.
The Supreme Court, in a ruling of November 25, 2015, declared a revolving card null and void by considering the interest applied usurious, based on the Usury Repression Law of 1908, which obliges the financial institution to return the amounts to the affected party. interest, commissions and other expenses that have been paid associated with that card.
On March 4, we learned of a new ruling from the Supreme Court that responded to an appeal filed by the Wizink entity, confirming the usury of one of its cards. In the case in question, it is a contract from 2012, with remunerative interest of 26,82% APR, even reaching 27,24% at the time of filing the claim. As the average rate of credit through credit card and revolving operations is around 20% per year, the remunerative interest is considered very high and an appreciable difference of 7 basis points.
Because we take care of everything and we only get paid when you get the money back. If you have one of these credit, loan or credit cards and you have been paying these abusive interests every month, you only need to provide us with your ID and a receipt of the contract so that our specialist lawyers can study your case and calculate the amount of the refund that corresponds to you. .
There are certain signs to know if your card is “revolving”:
You decide the monthly fee to return
You can make deferred payments at a “minimum interest”, but you are unaware of the interest.
They have not told you how long it will take to pay back the debt.
They return a percentage of the purchases paid with your card.
You have discounts on purchases.
You have no opening or renewal fees.
These are some of the most common revolving cards: Wizink, Evo Finance, Cofidis, Cetelem, Santander, Caixabank, Bankinter Consumer, Santander Consumer, Oney, BBVA, IKEA, Affinity Car, Abanca, Credito Rapid…
Check our list of main cards associated with banks, brands and social services
It is easy to get lost with this system, so if you have not understood it, we will help you know if you have a “revolving” card, loan or credit with abusive interest. At TELORECLAMO we are specialists since 15 years ago in banking law, and experts specifically on these cards.
A Supreme Court ruling declared this type of “revolving” card null and void, considering the interest applied usurious. The ruling forces the bank to return to the client the interest, commissions and other payments associated with their card.
We since TELORCLAIM We channel complaints.
And we get:
The declaration of nullity of your card or loan contract.
The return of abusive interest that you have paid.
If you have been included in a list of defaulters, we will get you out of it.